Chicago Quicksilver Aircraft Services
Frequently asked questions about ultralights:
Do I need a license to fly an ultralight?
While no license is required, it is essential to receive proper
training from a certified instructor.
Do I have to pass a medical exam?
No. No medical exam is required.
How many hours of training are required?
This depends on the individual. Those who have previously had
flight training in general aviation aircraft frequently complete
complete training more quickly.
Can I fly over Chicago in my ultralight?
No. Ultralights are not permitted to fly over populated areas or
in controlled airspace. When flying, you will be operating within
a section of the FAA rules and regulations called part 103. Your
instructor will explain part 103 to you in detail.
Can I take a passenger?
Ultralights are single seat by definition. To carry a passenger, you
must have at least a Sport Pilot license, and your ultralight must be
registered as with an 'N' number.
How fast can I go?
This depends on the engine, but under part 103, utralights are restricted
to a top speed of 63 mph.
How far can I go?
About 60 miles one-way. Your mileage may vary.
How high can I go?
Theoretically, about 14,000 ft, but most flying is
done below 5,000 feet.
Sounds great! When do I start flying?
Call Chicago Quicksilver at (630) 390-5024 or email
to schedule a lesson.